Saturday 11 June 2016

World Blood Donor Day 14th June, 2016

All the people in the world have Blood in their body. The blood connects people to each other and each & every animal living on earth has blood as a lifeline. In present time, the world is facing the problem of blood stock deficiency and it is the main cause threat to life. The blood transfusion is the only way to remove this blood deficiency. Globally, everyone should contribute his own responsibility to donate blood for fulfilling the increasing need for blood and we should motivate others for blood donation.

The commitment and support were declared unanimously in the 58th World Health Assembly for unconstrained blood donation. After that, a proposal was passed 14th June as "World Blood Donor Day". On the same day, it was also committed that this will be observed as an annual event to be held each year. The day 14th June aware the people about the importance of blood donation and encourage more and more people to donate blood regularly. It provides opportunity to enjoy and thanks to all individuals who voluntarily donate their blood without any reward.
A careful donor would be responsible for improving rather saving million lives. Each and every year World Blood Donor Day is observed on a particular theme. This year the theme will be "Give the gift of life: donate blood".

This exclusive day is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations (FIODS), International Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Appoint the youth battalion for combating the blood deficiency instill safe and healthy lifestyles in them. They should provide their service as much as possible.

Various activities are performed on this day. These activities like cultural and musical performances by local artists, involving thank-you song for blood donors, Traditional dances, holding Motorcycle rally, handball championship, friendly soccer match and marching event, distributing published materials are distributed to donors and future donors, thanking blood donors for their liberal charity to the mankind, holding campaign to encourage blood donations, conducting seminars and lectures on blood donation and related themes and Symposium on Quality in Blood Donation across the world.

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