Saturday 27 June 2015

Surya Namaskar Yoga

In today time when everyone is busy and looking out a shortcut for everything. Same to remain fit, they want to do exercise in less time and gain most of the health benefits from it. The solution is very famous Yogic exercise known as Surya Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar that literally means salutation to the Sun. It is a set of 12 powerful yoga postures that provide a good cardiovascular workout. It is the good way to maintain the balance between the mind, body & soul.

Surya Namaskar means salutation to the Sun. It is a collection of 12 powerful yoga postures that provide a good cardiovascular workout. It is the good way to maintain the balance between the mind, body & soul.

It is recommended to do Surya Namaskar in a morning without eating anything.

Let’s begin with these simple yet useful steps of Surya Namaskar.

Each Surya Namaskar round consists of two sets. Each set consists of 12 yoga poses that are given below:

1. Salutation posture (Pranamasana)

The first step is to show the gratitude to Sun God. You need to stand erect with feet together. Join the palms of the together in front of the chest. Concentrate and meditate in this posture.

2. Raised arm posture (Hastauttanasana )

Breathe in, Inhale slowly and deeply, stretch both arms above the head, palms facing upward. After that, you need to arch your back and stretch your body. Inhale air and continue to stretch your body.       

3. Hand to foot posture (Padahastasana)

Try to breathe out bend the body forward and touch the ground. While bending forward keep your spinal cord & legs straight and perpendicular to the ground. Try not to bend your knees while you are doing Padahastasana.    

4. Equestrian posture(Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

Breathe in, Inhale slowly and deeply, bent the right knee and extended the left leg back and touch the knee to the ground. Keep both the hands forward down. Lift the spine and open the chest. Concentrate at the eyebrow center.        

5. Mountain posture(Parvatasana)

Breath out slowly, try to bring the right leg back to join with the left leg. At the same time, try to keep your buttocks above the ground and lower your head to position it between the arms. In this position, your body forms a triangle with the floor as can be seen in the figure. Place the foot flat on the ground. Maintaining the posture, take a deep breath in inhale air slowly and deeply.        

6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salutation with eight limbs)

Breathe out, exhale air slowly, and slide the body down at an angle. Let your toes, knees, chest, hands, and chin touch the floor. But need to keep your buttocks up.        

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra posture)

Breathe in, Inhale slowly and deeply, lower the hips, push the chest forward and upward with the hands, arch your spine, and keep your head facing up. Let your knees and lower abdomen remain on the floor.        

8. Parvatasana (Mountain posture)

Breathe out, exhale air slowly and get back to posture 5.   

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian posture)

Breathe in, Inhale slowly and deeply and keep your right leg forward between the hands. The left leg remains back. Resume posture 4.        

10. Padahastasana (Hand to foot posture)

Breathe out, exhale air slowly, bring the left foot forward. Join both legs and resume posture 3.        

11. Hastauttanasana (Raised arm posture)

Breathe in, Inhale slowly and deeply, raise the trunk up and bend backward. Resume posture 2.      

12. Pranamasana (Salutation posture)

Stand erect and bring the hands in front of the chest.

You have completed first step and to complete the second half of Surya Namaskar, you need to repeat the same 12 steps... Read More


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