Sunday 1 February 2015


Brahma created his first son Prajapati to assist him in his work of creation of the universe. After some time, he again gave rise to his other son Budhi from his divine intellect.

With the gap of some time interval, Brahma gave birth to his third son Agnirasa. Brahma granted him the wisdom and spirituality. Brahma instructed his third son that spirituality can fill him with power and divinity that could help him to enlighten all the three worlds.

Brahma further told Agnirasa that he had created the universe where several worlds and species were multiplying. The welfare of that creation was in the hands of Agnirasa.

Brahma instructed Agnirasa to visit him as and when he remembered him.

After that, Brahma ordered him to perform undisturbed long penance and bestowed its fruits to the welfare of all beings of his creation. Angirasa then replied and praised Brahma that he was the reason for his birth and of all the creation of the World. Brahma was thus the Almighty Lord, who had created the whole universe with his unbounded and unconditional love. Agnirasa again praised that Brahma was present in each and every creation.

Agnirasa said that Brahma created him for the benefit of his creation. Though, Brahma does not need anybody’s support, and then also he gave opportunity to Agnirasa to perform severe penance. Agnirasa thanked Brahma to gave him the opportunity to serve... Read More

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